40 Days of JOY - Color Overview

Woot, woot! Ready to play?
Here's an overview of all the 40 JOY boosters.

Either let yourself choose a number between 1-40 and then scroll down to see the colors and their theme... and then go to the unit in this course for that specific day so you can read the full message and listen to the meditation...


scroll down through the images and notice which one is calling you for today. Then go to the unit for that day to receive your soul message and listen to the meditation.

I can hardly wait to hear about your experiences so be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you loved about your color experience that day.

And also notice how these JOY boosters offer you the exact right support at the right time for YOU and how these help you stay tuned into your JOY channel more easily.

The more you're tuned into your inner joy and you're broadcasting that joy frequency into the world around you, the more JOY-full your life experiences will be.

Now go forth and let joy be your guide to a life and biz worth waking up for every day and enJOY this color journey as you receive the delicious soul messages waiting for you.

Many joyful blessings,